On The Go Cinema

Liam White   Harry Wang

Step 1:  Planning                

We started by writing down all the ideas for the low tech multimedia tool.


It came down to choosing between making the heater with the light bulb or the projector. We thought the heater idea is good but it might be too dangerous so after discussing all the possibilities, we decided make the projector with speakers attached.

We then made a list of the materials we need to make the tool:


Our original idea was to get the film and make a film reel but we could not get  film anywhere so we decided to go with the idea of the phone inside the box

We went and bought all the materials we need, it costed around $10


Step 2: Creating the tool 

We drew a rough diagram of what our projector would look like:


We then carved the circle on the shoe box for the magnifying lens:


We then cut the top part of the coke bottle and poked a hole for the earphones we will put in later:

We tried putting the earphones through the hole:


We took the lens out of the magnifying glass, but it wont fit in the circle we carved so we thought to use tape to hold the lens but then it messes up the lens so we put tape around the lens so that it holds up in the hole.

Now we have to figure out a way to hold up the phone inside the box and also so we can slide it across the box to adjust the projection.


We cut out a piece of cardboard and put in pins so it holds up the phone